pforsythe - Standard Leaderboard
Stats and recent games for pforsythe in the Standard Leaderboard.
Result | Rating | Turns | View Replay |
Eliminated | 7.7 | 149 | 11 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | -15.1 | 168 | 15 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | 0.4 | 169 | 20 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | -27.4 | 141 | 26 Minutes Ago |
Winner! | 21.6 | 332 | 31 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | -0.2 | 245 | 36 Minutes Ago |
Winner! | 18.9 | 216 | 41 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | 5.7 | 297 | 46 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | -12.2 | 245 | 52 Minutes Ago |
Winner! | 22.5 | 299 | 58 Minutes Ago |
Eliminated | 3.6 | 168 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | -10.4 | 140 | An Hour Ago |
Winner! | 20.1 | 112 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | 2.9 | 99 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | 3.8 | 194 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | 6.8 | 343 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | 7.6 | 338 | An Hour Ago |
Winner! | 23.4 | 247 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | -4.3 | 123 | An Hour Ago |
Winner! | 25.0 | 265 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | -8.7 | 206 | An Hour Ago |
Eliminated | -5.7 | 138 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.0 | 101 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -27.9 | 332 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -5.5 | 169 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -7.6 | 137 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.0 | 333 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -8.0 | 211 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 8.3 | 288 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -25.7 | 102 | 2 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 22.8 | 42 | 2 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 6.8 | 631 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 8.2 | 326 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -23.4 | 243 | 3 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 21.3 | 209 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -22.9 | 173 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 3.2 | 184 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -23.9 | 243 | 3 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 21.9 | 305 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -9.3 | 172 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.1 | 115 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 5.9 | 113 | 3 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 6.8 | 382 | 4 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 23.9 | 143 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -8.7 | 266 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -7.2 | 129 | 4 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 24.5 | 227 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 11.1 | 425 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -1.5 | 111 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 6.7 | 154 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -25.2 | 167 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.3 | 428 | 4 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -2.0 | 128 | 5 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 22.8 | 322 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -6.6 | 236 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.9 | 218 | 5 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 24.4 | 465 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.4 | 140 | 5 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 25.1 | 267 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.7 | 204 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.4 | 137 | 5 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 6.4 | 150 | 5 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -25.2 | 314 | 6 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.0 | 274 | 20 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 1.8 | 128 | 20 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 26.8 | 182 | 20 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 11.4 | 177 | 20 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.1 | 123 | 20 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 30.5 | 333 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 12.1 | 387 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -3.4 | 212 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -20.7 | 290 | 21 Hours Ago |
Draw | 0 | 226 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -22.6 | 265 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 12.6 | 370 | 21 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 25.2 | 281 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -22.3 | 183 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -3.3 | 231 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.6 | 313 | 21 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -1.3 | 285 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.1 | 70 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 1.9 | 127 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -3.7 | 634 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -23.8 | 281 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.1 | 211 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -5.3 | 116 | 22 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 29.3 | 151 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -23.3 | 244 | 22 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 7.7 | 93 | 22 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 25.4 | 305 | 23 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 26.8 | 213 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.8 | 228 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 9.4 | 677 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -21.3 | 168 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.2 | 259 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.5 | 217 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -23.1 | 185 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | 10.8 | 72 | 23 Hours Ago |
Winner! | 26.5 | 316 | 23 Hours Ago |
Eliminated | -24.2 | 201 | 1 Day Ago |