

Hey! I'm Corey, a web developer and content creator. I'm passionate about Rust programming and love sharing my knowledge and experience through my videos and streams. My goal is to create educational and engaging content that developers of all skill levels can enjoy. Tune in to my weekly Battlesnake Sunday stream, on Sunday's at Noon Eastern US Time! Check my Twitch Schedule for more details:

Joined Feb 20, 2021


Global Rating


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Amphibious Arthur

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Bombastic Bob

Random Direction Each Time

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Constant Carter

Dumb bot, always goes right

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Devious Devin

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Eremetic Eric

Eric doesn't like other snakes, he usually sticks to chasing his tail until he gets hungry

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Famished Frank

Frank is famished... He needs food! Once he's full he goes for the corners

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Gigantic George

George wants to get as long as possible

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Hovering Hobbs

Hobbs is an area control snake. They take the minimax implementation from Devin, and combines it with a Flood Fill inspired algorithm to try and control more of the board than their opponents. Hobbs is brand new, and excited to compete in the arenas

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Improbable Irene

Irene is here and ready to battle! Her hydra heads come in handy for exploring multiple moves at once. She relies on the mystics and their probabilities to find the best path in battle. But Irene isn’t going to leave anything up to fate!

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Local Hobbs

Saved Games

Created by Duels Leaderboard - Aug 07, 2023

Standard mode, standard map, 2 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 492 Turns

Does Irene know how to wrap?

Wrapped mode, 2 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 53 Turns

For Shapeshifter - Is this a bug?

Wrapped mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 324 Turns

Eric Starves

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 7x7 Board, 301 Turns

Hobbs died, was it a timeout or a bad move?

Standard mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 1148 Turns

Ziggy + Paku

Wrapped mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 19x21 Board, 598 Turns

Wrapped - 06-Jul-2022

Wrapped mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 19x21 Board, 467 Turns

Wrapped - 04-Jul-2022

Wrapped mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 19x21 Board, 878 Turns

Solo - 03-Apr-2022 - George also goes wild since Eric does

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 111 Turns

Solo - 03-Apr-2022 - Eric Goes Wild

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 114 Turns

Debug: Starves with food right there

Wrapped mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 166 Turns

Royale - 16-Dec-2021 - Debug Ran Into Body Un-Prompted

Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 120 Turns

Debug - Prefer a tie to a lose

Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 193 Turns

Debug - Devin Dove for a Lose

Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 161 Turns


Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 172 Turns

Debug β€” Royale - 05-Sep-2021

Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 100 Turns

Royale - 28-Aug-2021 - To Debug

Royale mode, 2 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 137 Turns

Standard - 25-Aug-2021 β€” thought nature fixed this sad

Standard mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 16 Turns

New Best Solo Survive

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 7x7 Board, 1997 Turns

Test Case: double Eric one circled the other

Standard mode, 2 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 585 Turns

Test Case: Eric runs out of health

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 7x7 Board, 367 Turns

Test Case: Eric takes the long way around to his tail

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 7x7 Board, 403 Turns

Solo - 22-Jun-2021 - Almost 2000 best yet

Solo mode, 1 Battlesnakes, 7x7 Board, 1991 Turns

Standard - 18-Apr-2021

Standard mode, 2 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 324 Turns