German CS PHD student
Joined Dec 02, 2020
Global Rating
ich heisse marvin
Maxn tree search that combines mobility, length advantage, food ownership, etc. Its name is marvin.
marrrvin [duel]
He uses a multicore tree-search, combined with a multi agent floodfill heuristic, favors food and respects hazard.
marrrvin [royale]
He uses a multicore tree-search, combined with a multi agent floodfill heuristic, favors food and respects hazard.
marrrvin [standard]
He uses a multicore tree-search, combined with a multi agent floodfill heuristic, favors food and respects hazard.
unsigned long long
Saved Games
Kill? - 138
Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 265 Turns
Royale Error 137
Royale mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 241 Turns
long long - 14-Dec-2021
Standard mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 949 Turns
Standard - 11-Sep-2021
Standard mode, 4 Battlesnakes, 11x11 Board, 898 Turns